admin May 27 2024 at 4:21AM on page 1
 DT: Downtown Center (DT)
The area designated as the Downtown Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO if any portion of a parcel is within the Downtown Center, the Downtown Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.EC: Employment Center (EC) An area designated as an Employment Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO if any portion of a parcel is within an Employment Center, the Employment Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.LC: Landmarks Commission (LC) The City Landmarks Commission as created by Section 14-16-6-2(H) (Landmarks Commission) to review and recommend decisions about potential historic zones or landmarks.Lien: Lien A statutory lien against land for the estimated cost of construction of required infrastructure or improvements by the applicant, Developer, or Subdivider, which is recorded and enforced in accordance with Article 3-36 NMSA 1978 or such other method prescribed by law.MS: Main Street Corridor Area (MS) An area within 660 feet of the centerline of a Main Street Corridor, as designated by the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO, if any portion of a parcel is within a Main Street area, the Main Street regulations apply to the entire parcel.Sign: Sign Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.sign,: Sign Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.sign.: Sign Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.signs: Signs Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.UC: Urban Center An area designated as an Urban Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO if any portion of a parcel is within an Urban Center, the Urban Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.Abut: Abut To touch or share a property boundary.AC-: Activity Center (AC) An area designated as an Activity Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended, excluding Old Town. For the purposes of this IDO, if any portion of a parcel is within an Activity Center, the Activity Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.Access: Access A way or means of approach to provide vehicular or pedestrian physical entrance to a property.Accessory Building: Accessory Building A building detached from and, except in the case of agricultural support buildings like barns in the R-A zone district, smaller than the primary building on the same lot. The use of an accessory building shall be subordinate and customarily incidental to the primary use of the lot. Accessory Dwelling Unit: Accessory Dwelling Unit A dwelling unit that is subordinate to a primary single-family or two-family dwelling or non-residential use. Accessory dwelling units may be attached to the primary dwelling, contained within the primary dwelling, or built as a detached building. When accessory to a non-residential use, an accessory dwelling unit serves as quarters for a caretaker. This IDO distinguishes between accessory dwelling units with and without a kitchen. If a maximum size for accessory dwelling units is specified, a garage or shed attached to the accessory dwelling unit shall not count toward the size.Accessory Dwelling: Accessory Dwelling Unit A dwelling unit that is subordinate to a primary single-family or two-family dwelling or non-residential use. Accessory dwelling units may be attached to the primary dwelling, contained within the primary dwelling, or built as a detached building. When accessory to a non-residential use, an accessory dwelling unit serves as quarters for a caretaker. This IDO distinguishes between accessory dwelling units with and without a kitchen. If a maximum size for accessory dwelling units is specified, a garage or shed attached to the accessory dwelling unit shall not count toward the size.Accessory Structure: Accessory Structure A structure detached from a primary building, customarily used with and clearly incidental and subordinate to the primary building or use, and located on the same lot as such primary building. Including but not limited to swimming pools and shade structures such as covered patios, gazeboes, pergolas, ramadas, or similar roofed structures. Accessory Use: Accessory Use A land use that is subordinate in use, area, or purpose to a primary land use on the same lot or, in any Mixed-use or Non-residential zone district, the same premises. An accessory use may or may not be located in an accessory structure. For the purposes of this IDO, accessory uses are listed in Table 4-2-1, may have separate Use-specific Standards, or may be defined as incidental to another primary use. Acequia: Acequia An irrigation ditch operated and maintained by the MRGCD or a community acequia association. Activity Center: Activity Center (AC) An area designated as an Activity Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended, excluding Old Town. For the purposes of this IDO, if any portion of a parcel is within an Activity Center, the Activity Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.Adjacent: Adjacent Abutting or separated only by a street, alley, trail, or utility easement, whether public or private. Adult Entertainment: Adult Entertainment An establishment such as an auditorium, bar, cabaret, concert hall, nightclub, restaurant, theater, or other commercial establishment, other than an adult retail establishment, that provides amusement or entertainment featuring 1 or more of the following: 1.  A live performance, act, or escort service distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction, description, exposure, or representation of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities. 2.  Audio or video displays, computer displays, films, motion pictures, slides or other visual representations or recordings characterized or distinguished by an emphasis on the depiction, description, exposure or representation of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities. Adult entertainment is a primary use and may not be accessory to any other use.Adult or Child Day Care Facility: Adult or Child Day Care Facility A facility other than an occupied residence that provides care for more than 12 individual adults or children during the day. This use does not include overnight care. Adult Retail: Adult Retail Any establishment where 25 percent or more of the gross floor area is used to sell or rent adult material, including but not limited to books, magazines, newspapers, films (video tapes and/or DVDs), slides, photographic or written material, and other items or devices that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction, description, exposure, or representation of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities. Adult retail is a primary use and may not be accessory to any other use. Agricultural Sales Stand: Agricultural Sales Stand A structure for the retail sale of agricultural products raised on the same premises.Agriculture, General: General Agriculture Any use of land for the purposes of crops, grazing animals, orchards, trees or forest lands, and any other use pertaining to farming or agricultural research, including the raising of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and other farm animals for use or sale, and including all the types of structures normally associated with these uses, such as storage bins, barns, sheds, tool houses, greenhouses, garages, and any other use or facility ancillary to farming or open land. Airport: Airport The area of land used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, passenger and cargo loading areas, and related uses.Alley: Alley A public right-of-way, private way, or thoroughfare, or a part thereof primarily devoted to vehicular use and providing secondary access to abutting property or primary vehicular access to residential properties, minimizing or eliminating the need for driveway access to the street. For the purposes of this IDO, alleys are not considered streets. Allowable Use: Allowable Use A land use allowed in a particular zone district by Table 4-2-1 as a primary or accessory use, whether allowed permissively or conditionally.AMAFCA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA) The political subdivision of the State of New Mexico established pursuant to Article 72-16 NMSA 1978 with specific responsibility for flooding problems in the greater Albuquerque area.Amendment: Amendment Any repeal, modification, or addition to a regulation; any new regulation; any change in the number, shape, boundary, or area of any zone district or Overlay zone; or any repeal or abolition of any map, part thereof, or addition thereto.Amphitheater: Amphitheater An outdoor, open-air area or structure suitable for musical or theatrical performances, performing arts, or sporting events with tiers of seats, benches, or berms with seating capacity for less than 1,000 people.Animal Keeping: Animal Keeping The keeping of animals as allowed by Article 9-2 of ROA 1994 (Humane and Ethical Animal Rules and Treatment (HEART) Ordinance).Arcade: Arcade A street-facing façade with an attached colonnade. For the purposes of MX-FB zone district standards, balconies may overlap the sidewalk while the ground floor remains set at the lot line. This type is ideal for retail use, but only when the sidewalk is fully absorbed within the arcade so that a pedestrian cannot bypass it. An easement for private use of the right-of-way is usually required.Archaeological Resource: Archaeological Resource Material remains of past human activity and life that are of archaeological interest, including but not limited to pottery, basketry, bottles, weapon projectiles, tools, structures or portions of structures, pit houses, rock paintings, rock carvings, intaglios, graves, human skeletal materials, or any portion or piece of any of the foregoing items. Non-fossilized and fossilized paleontological specimens, or any portion or piece thereof, shall not be considered archaeological resources unless found in an archaeological context. No item shall be treated as an archaeological resource unless such item is at least 75 years old. Material remains that are structures may be considered for further review and protection as a landmark site or structure.Architecturally Integrated: Architecturally Integrated WTF A WTF that is camouflaged into the structure on which it is located by means of color, texturing, architectural treatment, massing, size, design, and/or shape. An architecturally integrated WTF is a concealed facility.Area of Change: Area of Change An area designated as an Area of Change in the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan (ABC Comp Plan), as amended, where growth and development is encouraged, primarily in Centers other than Old Town, Corridors other than Commuter Corridors, Master Development Plan areas, planned communities, and Metropolitan Redevelopment Areas.Area of Consistency: Area of Consistency An area designated as an Area of Consistency in the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan (ABC Comp Plan), as amended, where development must reinforce the character and intensity of existing
The area designated as the Downtown Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO if any portion of a parcel is within the Downtown Center, the Downtown Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.EC: Employment Center (EC) An area designated as an Employment Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO if any portion of a parcel is within an Employment Center, the Employment Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.LC: Landmarks Commission (LC) The City Landmarks Commission as created by Section 14-16-6-2(H) (Landmarks Commission) to review and recommend decisions about potential historic zones or landmarks.Lien: Lien A statutory lien against land for the estimated cost of construction of required infrastructure or improvements by the applicant, Developer, or Subdivider, which is recorded and enforced in accordance with Article 3-36 NMSA 1978 or such other method prescribed by law.MS: Main Street Corridor Area (MS) An area within 660 feet of the centerline of a Main Street Corridor, as designated by the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO, if any portion of a parcel is within a Main Street area, the Main Street regulations apply to the entire parcel.Sign: Sign Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.sign,: Sign Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.sign.: Sign Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.signs: Signs Any display to public view of letters, words, numerals, emblems, pictures, or any parts or combinations thereof designed to inform or advertise or promote merchandise, services, or activities except for the following: 1.  Non-illuminated names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets and the like when carved into stone, concrete, metal, or any other permanent type construction and made an integral part of a permitted structure or made flush to the ground. 2.  Signs required by law or signs of a duly-constituted governmental body. 3.  Signs placed by a public utility for the safety, welfare, or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone, or underground cables. 4.  Signs on a vehicle, provided that any such vehicle with a sign face of over 2 square feet is not conspicuously parked so as to constitute a sign; nothing herein prevents such a vehicle from being used for delivery or other vehicular purposes. 5.  Temporary holiday decorations. A back-to-back sign or V-shaped sign constitutes 1 sign if it employs a common set of supports. A composite group of signs integrated into 1 framed unit or compact structure constitutes 1 sign.UC: Urban Center An area designated as an Urban Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. For the purposes of this IDO if any portion of a parcel is within an Urban Center, the Urban Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.Abut: Abut To touch or share a property boundary.AC-: Activity Center (AC) An area designated as an Activity Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended, excluding Old Town. For the purposes of this IDO, if any portion of a parcel is within an Activity Center, the Activity Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.Access: Access A way or means of approach to provide vehicular or pedestrian physical entrance to a property.Accessory Building: Accessory Building A building detached from and, except in the case of agricultural support buildings like barns in the R-A zone district, smaller than the primary building on the same lot. The use of an accessory building shall be subordinate and customarily incidental to the primary use of the lot. Accessory Dwelling Unit: Accessory Dwelling Unit A dwelling unit that is subordinate to a primary single-family or two-family dwelling or non-residential use. Accessory dwelling units may be attached to the primary dwelling, contained within the primary dwelling, or built as a detached building. When accessory to a non-residential use, an accessory dwelling unit serves as quarters for a caretaker. This IDO distinguishes between accessory dwelling units with and without a kitchen. If a maximum size for accessory dwelling units is specified, a garage or shed attached to the accessory dwelling unit shall not count toward the size.Accessory Dwelling: Accessory Dwelling Unit A dwelling unit that is subordinate to a primary single-family or two-family dwelling or non-residential use. Accessory dwelling units may be attached to the primary dwelling, contained within the primary dwelling, or built as a detached building. When accessory to a non-residential use, an accessory dwelling unit serves as quarters for a caretaker. This IDO distinguishes between accessory dwelling units with and without a kitchen. If a maximum size for accessory dwelling units is specified, a garage or shed attached to the accessory dwelling unit shall not count toward the size.Accessory Structure: Accessory Structure A structure detached from a primary building, customarily used with and clearly incidental and subordinate to the primary building or use, and located on the same lot as such primary building. Including but not limited to swimming pools and shade structures such as covered patios, gazeboes, pergolas, ramadas, or similar roofed structures. Accessory Use: Accessory Use A land use that is subordinate in use, area, or purpose to a primary land use on the same lot or, in any Mixed-use or Non-residential zone district, the same premises. An accessory use may or may not be located in an accessory structure. For the purposes of this IDO, accessory uses are listed in Table 4-2-1, may have separate Use-specific Standards, or may be defined as incidental to another primary use. Acequia: Acequia An irrigation ditch operated and maintained by the MRGCD or a community acequia association. Activity Center: Activity Center (AC) An area designated as an Activity Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended, excluding Old Town. For the purposes of this IDO, if any portion of a parcel is within an Activity Center, the Activity Center regulations apply to the entire parcel.Adjacent: Adjacent Abutting or separated only by a street, alley, trail, or utility easement, whether public or private. Adult Entertainment: Adult Entertainment An establishment such as an auditorium, bar, cabaret, concert hall, nightclub, restaurant, theater, or other commercial establishment, other than an adult retail establishment, that provides amusement or entertainment featuring 1 or more of the following: 1.  A live performance, act, or escort service distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction, description, exposure, or representation of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities. 2.  Audio or video displays, computer displays, films, motion pictures, slides or other visual representations or recordings characterized or distinguished by an emphasis on the depiction, description, exposure or representation of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities. Adult entertainment is a primary use and may not be accessory to any other use.Adult or Child Day Care Facility: Adult or Child Day Care Facility A facility other than an occupied residence that provides care for more than 12 individual adults or children during the day. This use does not include overnight care. Adult Retail: Adult Retail Any establishment where 25 percent or more of the gross floor area is used to sell or rent adult material, including but not limited to books, magazines, newspapers, films (video tapes and/or DVDs), slides, photographic or written material, and other items or devices that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction, description, exposure, or representation of specified anatomical areas or the conduct or simulation of specified sexual activities. Adult retail is a primary use and may not be accessory to any other use. Agricultural Sales Stand: Agricultural Sales Stand A structure for the retail sale of agricultural products raised on the same premises.Agriculture, General: General Agriculture Any use of land for the purposes of crops, grazing animals, orchards, trees or forest lands, and any other use pertaining to farming or agricultural research, including the raising of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and other farm animals for use or sale, and including all the types of structures normally associated with these uses, such as storage bins, barns, sheds, tool houses, greenhouses, garages, and any other use or facility ancillary to farming or open land. Airport: Airport The area of land used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, passenger and cargo loading areas, and related uses.Alley: Alley A public right-of-way, private way, or thoroughfare, or a part thereof primarily devoted to vehicular use and providing secondary access to abutting property or primary vehicular access to residential properties, minimizing or eliminating the need for driveway access to the street. For the purposes of this IDO, alleys are not considered streets. Allowable Use: Allowable Use A land use allowed in a particular zone district by Table 4-2-1 as a primary or accessory use, whether allowed permissively or conditionally.AMAFCA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA) The political subdivision of the State of New Mexico established pursuant to Article 72-16 NMSA 1978 with specific responsibility for flooding problems in the greater Albuquerque area.Amendment: Amendment Any repeal, modification, or addition to a regulation; any new regulation; any change in the number, shape, boundary, or area of any zone district or Overlay zone; or any repeal or abolition of any map, part thereof, or addition thereto.Amphitheater: Amphitheater An outdoor, open-air area or structure suitable for musical or theatrical performances, performing arts, or sporting events with tiers of seats, benches, or berms with seating capacity for less than 1,000 people.Animal Keeping: Animal Keeping The keeping of animals as allowed by Article 9-2 of ROA 1994 (Humane and Ethical Animal Rules and Treatment (HEART) Ordinance).Arcade: Arcade A street-facing façade with an attached colonnade. For the purposes of MX-FB zone district standards, balconies may overlap the sidewalk while the ground floor remains set at the lot line. This type is ideal for retail use, but only when the sidewalk is fully absorbed within the arcade so that a pedestrian cannot bypass it. An easement for private use of the right-of-way is usually required.Archaeological Resource: Archaeological Resource Material remains of past human activity and life that are of archaeological interest, including but not limited to pottery, basketry, bottles, weapon projectiles, tools, structures or portions of structures, pit houses, rock paintings, rock carvings, intaglios, graves, human skeletal materials, or any portion or piece of any of the foregoing items. Non-fossilized and fossilized paleontological specimens, or any portion or piece thereof, shall not be considered archaeological resources unless found in an archaeological context. No item shall be treated as an archaeological resource unless such item is at least 75 years old. Material remains that are structures may be considered for further review and protection as a landmark site or structure.Architecturally Integrated: Architecturally Integrated WTF A WTF that is camouflaged into the structure on which it is located by means of color, texturing, architectural treatment, massing, size, design, and/or shape. An architecturally integrated WTF is a concealed facility.Area of Change: Area of Change An area designated as an Area of Change in the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan (ABC Comp Plan), as amended, where growth and development is encouraged, primarily in Centers other than Old Town, Corridors other than Commuter Corridors, Master Development Plan areas, planned communities, and Metropolitan Redevelopment Areas.Area of Consistency: Area of Consistency An area designated as an Area of Consistency in the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan (ABC Comp Plan), as amended, where development must reinforce the character and intensity of existing
Zoning Code
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