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Community Workshop

Thank you for joining in this virtual open house! Take a look around, and participate. 

Your input will help the workgroup develop a plan that makes sense for the community, taking into account the strengths and character of our community and the needs, experiences, hopes and concerns of all its residents and local businesses alike.


Buildings & Energy


Community Resilience

Workshop Information

Join our Zoom Meetings to Learn More

Let's Brainstorm

The new Envision Plan, adopted in November 2023 sets a strong vision for Town's future.  Envision wants to continue that small-town charm into the future, across all neighborhoods ensuring a variety of housing options, support of local businesses, and places where real community can grow.

Thumbnail of the node

What are your ideas for improvement?

How can the City promote home-ownership and address potential displacement?
Thumbnail of the node

Goal 1: Playground Activity

Please provide your feedback on the location for the Metal Basket Swing.  Will this structure this will be a good fit for all visitors at the playground? 
General Feedback

Contact Us

What's Next
  • Please visit our project website for project updates.
  • The Preliminary Recommendations will be presented to the Planning & Design Commission on Oct 12 and to City Council on Oct 2025

  • The Informational Report and Attainability & Livability Analysis are available now on our project website

  • Stay tuned for the release of the Displacement Risk Assessment and Final Zoning & Design Recommendations reports